The Moment of the Wolf

The lonely hunter walks through the eerie night.
Companioned by the stars...
And the mournful cry of the wolf.

The wolf who night after night walks this same trail...
Smells these same scents...
Gazes at these same stars.

The hunter is without a tribe...

But still accompanied by the wolf.
The wolf who will not give up on him.

The villain in so many stories...
The killer in so many tales...
Yet the spirit of endurance...
Of courage...
Of hope...
Hides in this majestic creature.

The hunter wearily makes his way across the plain.
Hoping for one chance to be in the presence of this greatness.

He knows his spirit is one with the wolf...
And he cannot rest,
Cannot settle in peace...
Without a moment.

And then on the hill...
In this is most unlikely surrounding...
It happens.

Like in so many Indian stories...
The wolf in all its glory.

By: Courtney Golterman; Sainte Genevieve Missouri

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