Wolves Majestic

Wolves Majestic, with marble eyes that shine like suns beginning to rise. Beautiful, light fur as soft as silk colors gray, or creamy white milk.

They aren't afraid to stand tall They hold the world, even though they are small. Wolves are great, they have it all Passion, fire, sparks that smolder when they fall. They mostly live in groups or packs crunch through the snow and leave their tracks. Their ears perk up at the slightest sound The bird that flutters, the wind on the ground. Although they are terrific, they are misunderstood from the times they were born, and all through childhood.

Wolves, they aren't vicious, and that is a fact only when sick, or threatened they attack. And all-in-all they're a very great creature every large and minute feature.

Wolves have been great for many years Scientist's studies, small children's fears. I hope wolves are animals that do survive cause they are one of the greatest animals alive.

The End

By Fatima Espiritu student at Girard Intermediate School Girard, Ohio

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